Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Workplace Double Standards

How many of you have managers who want you to give it all you've got but aren't willing to do the same? I've seen it happen many, many times. A manager should lead by example. They should do the right thing at all times.
A current manager in the office I work in puts in approximately 24 hours a week at the office and claims to work from home the other 16 hours. The differences are staggering in what these so called managers do and what they expect from their teams.
I understand rules are rules but they should apply to all in the office. Just because one sits in authority as a manager shouldn't exempt them from adhering to office protocol. In the current situation, a woman was recently fired or as they like to put it, asked to resign, for repeatedly coming in late...she was late a lot....anywhere from one to four minutes....multiple times over a month's time period. She was an excellent employee except for her tardiness. She offered to stay late and make up the extra minute or two she lost in the morning but the manager would have none of it. Last Friday was her last day. Now, what irritates me about this situation is that said manager doesn't come in until nine (the office opens at eight). She leaves at three, on the dot. She usually takes Wednesday or Friday off. If she is going to be late, she sends an interoffice email from her iPhone informing everyone. Her office staff can't do that. They are not allowed. If they are late they get reprimanded, no questions asked.
At this point her office staff is short by two people. One would think that the manager would fill in and help pull the load. Well she does, sort of. She helps until three and leaves the other three girls to fend for themselves. I've heard her say as she's leaving, "if you need anything just email me." What a crock. This so called manager should be fired. She gets respect from her team only because she's an office bully (see my earlier post). She is a poor example of what a manager should be.
I give this example to say this, if you find yourself in a mangerial position, please earn the respect of your team. I have found that you get a lot more work done by helping where help is needed. Be a team player. You can still be in charge and still have authority but you can also be human. Your team will respect you and will go all out if they know you are there with them.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

What Makes Me, Me

  I am a native Floridian. I was born in Ft. Pierce, on the east coast. I now live in Bradenton, on the west coast. I am married and have been for just over 28 years. I have 3 children (grown).
  I graduated from the University of South Florida (Tampa) in 1998 with a B.S. in Secondary Physical Education. I just recently (Dec. 2011) graduated from the University of South Florida (Sarasota/Manatee) with an MBA.
  My hobbies are just about anything having to do with the outdoors. Hunting, fishing, camping,...etc. I am thoroughly in love with guns as well. I was raised around them and they are a part of my life. I believe whole heartedly in the 2nd Amendment.
  I am a registered Republican but for the most part I am very Libertarian minded. I love a good joke and will tell one from time to time. All in all I love to have a good time.

I tell you this so that when you read my posts here, you'll maybe have an idea where I'm coming from. Some of my ideas might seem to come from left field but, in my mind at least, they are grounded and thought out. If you know me personally you'll know that most of the time, I'm very calculating. I analyze everything, if it appeals to me. If I'm not interested, I will not post about it here. It would be a waste of my time and yours. If I offend you in any way with my posts, please don't be mad at me. I refuse to be politically correct. Political correctness is ruining our country. People today are too thin skinned. If something offends you, take a step back and look at it. If its the truth then you have some fixing to do. If it's not the truth then the other person is a liar and not worth your time. Ok well I've rambled enough for one day. Let me know who's reading my prose by leaving your name in the comment section below. Looking forward to getting my thoughts out there for all to read.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Management Bullies

No one likes to be bullied, especially in the workplace. Yet it happens every day. I see it regularly from the managers in my current place of employment and hear about it all the time. These people are not good managers and usually not good people in general. They try to micromanage every detail of the office and usually from their offices, not even taking the time to get out and "explore" their surroundings.
To be a good, effective manager one must be willing to go the extra mile for their employees and be willing to lead by example. When employees see this, generally they are inclined to go the extra mile in order to do the best job possible. It's really a win win situation.
Managers, try being human and listen to what your employees have to say. They usually know more than you give them credit for. Employees, be the best you can be even if it means doing things not on your regular routine.
These are my thoughts. Leave your comments if you agree or disagree.